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Nov 9 - Jan 14

Trying To Launch A New Childcare Center?

The Childcare Business Launch Process Can Be So Confusing...

But It Doesn't Have To Be!

Eliminate Confusion & Create Your Path To Owning A Profitable Childcare Business By Completing The Childcare Academy Blueprint In Just 8 Weeks!

Tired of struggling to figure everything out alone?

No matter where you are on your childcare journey, by now you've realized...

I T ' S C O M P L I C A T E D

But what if you didn't have to feel like this?

What if you didn't have to go at it alone, stressed out & overwhelmed?

What if you didn't have to rely on random bits and pieces of advice?

And could stop watching hundreds of "free" how-to videos?

What if you had a proven path to launching a childcare business?

That could bring you out of confusion and into clarity?

With someone guiding you along every step of the process?

Ready to get unstuck and on your way to launching your profitable childcare business?

That's why we developed the Childcare Academy Blueprint

The step-by-step system to planning and creating an independent childcare business.

Click to lock in this limited time offer!

That IS A Thing!

It's a thing because struggling alone on this journey is something we've done ourselves.

And it isn't fun.

Trust Us. We Know. We've been through the struggles of:

  • Not knowing what happens next in the process

  • Wondering what we should be working on when

  • Praying our expense estimates were in the ballpark

  • Hoping our tuition model was going to be successful

  • Reworking our business plan over and over...….and over

  • Pulling our hair out at the slightest lull in pre-enrollment

  • Doubting every decision we made along the entire journey

This is why we started helping others and developed the Childcare Academy Blueprint.

There is SO MUCH to know and SO MANY wrong turns to take

We wanted to provide something that could help people get further faster

With less headaches, stress, and costly mistakes

Hey there, child-focused fam!

Nick and Andrea here along with the rest of the Felder family!

With three children under two years old, we were on the path of missing our kids' childhood years.

Trading dollars for hours, missing out on what really mattered.

Being present for the most important little humans in our lives.

So we DID something about it!

Over 15 months of blood, sweat, & tears.

Researching, planning, and executing.

Struggling through the process, not knowing what steps to take or when to take them.

Finally our dream had life.

We officially owned our own childcare business!

And got to take our kids to work with us!

And now you can learn from all of our setbacks and struggles!

This product isn't just a fancy idea.

The Childcare Academy Blueprint is practical, actionable knowledge.

Packaged into a step-by-step system.

By people who have done the work.

Designed to help early childhood educators and parents like us plan their own childcare business, and finally start making the impact and income they have always dreamed of.

Much faster, more cost effective, and with less headaches.

While maintaining a predictable family income*, benefitting your community, and creating a family legacy.

"Soo what's actually in the box?"

Great question, friend!

Check out the modules you'll be working through in the Childcare Academy Blueprint:

Module 1: Build The Foundation

In this module you will learn how to develop the proper foundation for your childcare business by framing your mindset, setting attainable goals, and learning about ALL the rules, such as childcare licensing, local zoning, and state fire marshal regulations. This will ensure that you take rule-focused action driving you in the right direction, while you stay rooted in your purpose as you strive to hit your targets.

Module 2: Beaming Baby Business Blueprint

In this module, you will focus on the key business activities such as:

  • Conducting relevant market research
  • Choosing your right business model
  • Determining facility size and location
  • Calculating your Bottom Line metrics
  • Drafting a results-based business plan
  • Securing your start-up business capital

These often overlooked business-building activities will give you peace of mind about the feasibility and profitability of your business, so you are fully prepared to move forward on your terms.

Module 3: Marketing Magician

In this module, you’ll learn how to develop a brand that families will be drawn to using our Core4 Value Method™. Using this in concert with our magical marketing strategies, you may just find yourself with a waitlist before you launch your center.

Module 4: Countdown To Launch

In this module, we’ll cover the final pieces of the puzzle you’ll need before launch day including solid policies and procedures, staffing best practices, leading your team through your launch plan, and having ongoing operations figured out in advance. We walk you through everything leading up to your first day, so you know what to expect and have a plan to motivate staff, WOW parents, and engage children as they enter your facility for the first time.

Working through our modules will give you all the tools you need to:

  • Conduct the right kind of market research

  • Choose the right childcare model for you

  • Navigate the licensing rules and plan your center accordingly

  • Fill your center before you even open

  • Ensure your business will be a financial success

  • Develop a rock solid business plan & budget

  • Find funding opportunities

  • Create a winning culture before you start hiring

  • Develop a parent-impressing launch plan

  • Build a fortress of conviction around your childcare mindset

  • Set attainable goals that will fill you with purpose

  • Create best practices to ensure your center exceeds standards and expectations.

  • Develop templates, forms, procedures, policies, and other necessary documentation

And at the end of our time together, you will have a Blueprint of HOW to launch your business moving forward!

Wait, wanna hear the BEST PART?!

It will be taught LIVE by us!

Over 8 weeks with personalized, real-time coaching.

So every one of your questions will get answered.

Without falling into a "free" how-to video wormhole yielding no results, or asking 100 online groups and getting 1,000 different answers leaving you even MORE confused!

You read that right!

Don't miss out on this!

You'll finally get the strategic path and advice you've been missing to make your dream a reality.

It's going to be epic!

ALSO, when you grab the Childcare Academy Blueprint

Before time expires

We're going to load you up with special beta launch bonuses!

Yes! Get Excited!

When you decide to go all in on the Childcare Academy Blueprint, you'll get:

Childcare Academy Blueprint ($1,997 Value)

The Childcare Academy Blueprint will give you everything necessary to start an independent, profitable childcare center.

Our Blueprint includes everything we experienced in getting our very own center up and running taught live to you with bonus coaching calls over the course 8 weeks (plus two bonus break weeks to catch up on the action if you get behind).

It is loaded with shortcuts, best practices, pitfalls to avoid, and all the tips and tricks one would never have thought to be relevant.

The Childcare Academy Blueprint is sure to help anyone decide if this journey is right for them and the best way to go about creating their own profitable childcare center.

Bonus #1: Mastermind Group Support ($1,997 Value)

The only thing better than finally learning the path to effectively launching your childcare business.....is doing it with friends!

We've added another layer of support FOR FREE to you when you sign up for our beta launch of Childcare Academy Blueprint.

Not only will we answer your questions within the group, but you will get unique insight and access to your peers' ideas and thought processes.

On top of private group interaction, we will have weekly coaching + Q&A calls to ensure no question is left behind, easily valued at $297/call.

PLUS how much more fun is it to work through something challenging with that community support vibe? Answer: WAY more fun!

Bonus #2: Infant Income Initializer ($997 Value)

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly how much you should spend on your center, what your staffing model should look like, & how many enrollments you would need to break even?

Would you have peace of mind knowing how much room you would have for profits BEFORE you decided to buy or lease a building?

This step is majorly overlooked in our industry, but this bonus will help you dial it and avoid that sinking feeling two months in that you’re actually PAYING to keep your doors open.

With this bonus we’ll be able to build out your staffing and tuition pricing model plus all of your other projected expenses, and verify that you’ll still have plenty left over for profits. This step is unskippable, and we have it down to a science.

Bonus #3: Baby Business Blueprint ($497 Value)

You can find general business plan templates online for free. You can buy childcare specific templates for $50-$200. But then what?

Yep. You’re just left there. Holding a template. Trying to figure out how to customize it all on your own. What kind of market research do you include? How much do you talk about yourself? What aspects of the program should you add?

Consultants charge $500-$1,000 to do this work with you, and often it’s still not done correctly and doesn’t sound anything like your voice.

How about we just give you our proven, SBA approved template as a bonus instead? Along with it, you’ll get the training that walks you through all the questions you’ll likely have.

Bonus #4: Mini Mindset Maximizer ($97 Value)

Developing a championship mindset is absolutely essential to turning this dream into a reality.

Because we believe so heavily in this concept, we have decided to provide our Mini Mindset Maximizer as another free bonus. This is the exact "vision board" mindset material that we used throughout our own project.

This training will get your mind locked in on your goals and keep you grounded daily throughout your childcare journey.

The process of creating a new childcare center is not always easy. There will be challenging times. This provides a constant reminder of why the journey was started in the first place to help keep goals and priorities top of mind.

Bonus #5: The Recess Roadmap ($97 Value)

It's easy to navigate a program just to get to the end, and not remember what steps to take when. That's why we've included The Recess Roadmap.

It provides a high level overview of getting from "okay let's do this thing" to opening day.

Save the time of going back through the entire program again with this asset equipped with an expected timeline and checkpoints to work through along the way.

Avoid getting lost in the weeds and forgetting which step of the journey you are on. See the whole picture at a glance anytime you need!

This free bonus will keep the timeline tight, & the project on track all the way to completion.

This amazing offer is valued at $5,682

But we aren't asking even half of that.

We don't even want half of half (1/4 for you math whiz's out there) of that!

Today, you can have the Childcare Academy Blueprint and ALL of our bonuses for...

ONLY $997!

Or 3 Payments of $397

This value will never be offered again at this price!

Pay-In-Full BONUS: Childcare Academy Blueprint E-Book ($297 Value)

Choose to pay in full ($997) and get this incredible manuscript as an additional bonus!

Your childcare journey doesn’t just stop when you finish your time with us.

This bonus includes the actual experience we had when opening our center, as well as all the tools, resources, tips, and tricks you will need to understand along the way.

This gives you the entire path leading you all the way up to launch day in written form, so you can search for certain concepts when you need something specific.

It will help you understand next steps you need to take and guide you through the rest of your journey beyond our time together in the Childcare Academy Blueprint.

We went and made the offer even crazier...

With a value of $5,979

That's a savings of nearly $5,000!!!

Still on the fence?

Don't just take our word for it...

Here is what the people have to say!

Previously, we have only worked with people 1:1 at a MUCH higher investment...

But we wanted more people to have access to us and our resources in a budget-friendly group setting.

We developed the Childcare Academy Blueprint JUST FOR YOU at an affordable investment

So that in just 8 weeks, you can eliminate confusion & create your path to owning a profitable childcare business by completing your Childcare Academy Blueprint

FAQs For You

"One last Q: Do I HAVE to be in early childhood education already, or is loving the idea of having an impact on children and my community enough?"

Great question!

Check out all the wonderful folks that could benefit from the Childcare Academy Blueprint

Early Childhood Educators

Always been in the early childhood field? Maybe owning an independent childcare center has been the dream all along. This program is designed to help make that dream a reality.

Whatever has been keeping the goal from being accomplished is likely addressed in our material. Don’t keep putting this dream on hold!

Being passionate about making a massive impact on children’s lives is a big gift. We don't want to see that gift go to waste! This program will help those already in the field reach and impact more children in the community.


Where are my fellow career-driven, busy, newish parents to small children at?

Wishing just to spend a little more time with the babies (while they’re still babies) without staying home and dropping an entire income?

Then say hello to "the right place"! Our goal is to provide ALL of the information that will help in deciding if opening an independent childcare center is the best family path forward.

Welcome to relief from constantly daydreaming about what the kids are doing at daycare.


To the dreamers who LOVE working with kids (and maybe plan on having some one day), but are in a career that is soul-crushing.

Consider stumbling onto this program as a sign.

Whether having kids is in the plan or not, this provides the tools to build a legacy working on a passion while having a huge impact on the children of the community.

Plus (triple bonus points) if/when children do become a part of the picture, the perfect center for them to attend will probably have an opening!

The Cool Aunt

To the cool aunt (or uncle) who adores their nieces and nephews but isn’t sure marriage and/or kids of their own is something they want.

Feel like there has to more to this thing called life than crunching numbers in a cubicle all day? Making a significant impact on the children of the community is a pretty inspiring cause to wake up to everyday.

Having kids (or even wanting to have kids) is not a requirement for this to be a calling.

Cool aunts and uncles that love children and love the idea of teaching are a perfect fit for this opportunity.


Typical grandparents would love nothing more than to spend more time with their grandchildren. Many grandparents have hardworking, professional children that love their careers and want their own children in a structured environment that a center provides.

Why not build build them one? Our children’s grandmas are both on our staff. They love being able to spend this fleeting time with their grandchildren.

So the kids love their careers and aren’t interested in this opportunity. Just do it for them! And start soaking up all that time with the grandkids before it's gone.


I can almost hear those ocean waves! But that type of retirement isn't for everyone. Sure, most retirees travel and give a lot of hours to volunteer efforts. Absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Another thought? Start a "second career" and build a massively impactful childcare center for the community.

It takes a lot of work to finally reach the golden gates of retirement, so we have provided ways to structure the business that would still allow the desired freedoms most retirees seek. Again, volunteering is great, but we can't think of a better way to leave a legacy that the community is certain to enjoy.

Can You Picture It?

Just Imagine...

  • Going from confusion to clarity no longer wondering what step to take next

  • No longer being overwhelmed to the point of inaction

  • Finally taking major strides toward your dream

  • Reducing the anxiety of making the important decisions alone

  • Ditching the constant how-to video cycle that still hasn't gotten you anywhere

  • Being FILLED with purpose and unstoppable momentum

  • Building a brand and impacting the families in your community like few other things can or will

  • Creating your unique Childcare Academy Blueprint in just 8 weeks, giving you everything you need to launch your impactful childcare business

This doesn’t have to be a pipe dream!

We have the proven path because we’ve done it ourselves. It’s all inside!

Childcare Academy Blueprint

Get it today for just:



"Okay, I'm officially excited! But tell me how this works."

Step 1: Decide to purchase the Childcare Academy Blueprint

Step 2: Give a self-pat on the old back for making an excellent decision!

Step 3: Invest in the Childcare Academy Blueprint with ALLLL the free bonuses

Step 4: Log onto our platform and start learning about your future

Step 5: Jump in the support group and introduce yourself to the gang

Step 6: Schedule your calendar, so you don't miss a thing (dates + training inside)

Step 7: Reach out to us with any questions at [email protected]

Alright, Friend. It's time to decide!

Here are the options:

1) Do nothing and stick with "the norm". Risk missing out on getting this package at this investment level while it's available.

2) Go at it alone. Spend months searching and figuring out how to do this without help. Maybe you finish one day. Maybe you don't?

3) Buy the Childcare Academy Blueprint and start designing the childcare life you truly want TODAY!

Get the Childcare Academy Blueprint today for JUST $997!

One more time, here's everything that comes with it:

  • Childcare Academy Blueprint ($1,997 Value)

  • BONUS #1: Mastermind Group Support ($1,997 Value)

  • BONUS #2: Infant Income Initializer ($997 Value)

  • BONUS #3: Beaming Baby Business Blueprint ($497 Value)

  • BONUS #4: Mini Mindset Maximizer ($97 Value)

  • BONUS #5: The Recess Roadmap ($97 Value)

  • Full Pay BONUS: Childcare Academy Blueprint E-Book ($297 Value)




Reminder: This Beta Investment Won't Be Around For Long!

Jump In While Availability Lasts!

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